I've been asked numerous times about why I decided to go back to work so soon after my heart failure. My answer is quite simple: "I need to, and I want to."
Other than the financial aspect, there is the mental and spiritual aspect of things to consider. To remove stagnancy in life, and to find (or rediscover) purpose of oneself at work. No doubt you might be thinking it is better to rest at home, but there is only so much rest you can get. Work helped gave me a purpose and the strength to push on. It taught me to take things in stride and yet never give up. And more importantly, it gave me hope and strength to be better than the day before in all aspect of my life. So to put it bluntly - Life must have purpose, and for me that is work.
Workforce Singapore blog:
Article extracted from15th October, 2016 edition of the Executive Recruitments section of The Straits Times, an article sponsored by the then Work Development Agency (n.k.a. Workforce Singapore).